
November 4 & 5, 2024

New York

September 4 & 5, 2024

A nudge in the right direction: How to give just enough help

Learn how to give just the right amount of help by applying insights from puzzle design. Discover practical techniques for offering effective guidance in any situation.

Speakers: Jason Wodicka

October 10, 2024

Working on teams, we need to help other people every day.

But some of the most common feedback about help given is that it misses the mark: We can give so little support that we’re no help at all, or so much support that it feels like we’ve just taken over the task. How do we calibrate the support we give to the situation? 

I’ve found useful insights for this problem outside the technical field, particularly in the design of puzzles like escape rooms. I’ll share what I’ve learned from the experts in hinting, and some examples of how I’ve applied these techniques, both one-on-one and in the design of better processes. You’ll come away with a concrete model to give better, more effective guidance in any context, whether it’s helping a team member stretch to tackle a new problem, or helping with your child learn from their homework.