Understanding the role of a Distinguished engineer
Breaking down the responsibilities and overlap involved in the most senior individual contributor roles.
Elastic Leadership: Roy Osherove in conversation
Values and techniques to consider in leadership roles.
Accessibility and why everything old is new again
Alice Li climbs into her Wayback Machine and delves into some foundational approaches and processes to facilitate and test for Accessibility compliance on the web.
Content sponsored by CoderPad
Writing your technical strategy
Bruce Wang talks about Writing your technical strategy (psst, it doesn't have to feel like a Squid Game) at LeadDev Together in February 2022.
Standing out as a remote candidate
Learn what companies are looking for when hiring remote candidates.
The practice of managing managers
Learn how to coach your managers to execute the company's shared vision, as your responsibilities - and distractions - continue to multiply.
Setting the right strategic goals for your engineering org
Learn how to communicate key objectives both up and down.
DevOps for Dummies: Emily Freeman in conversation
Understand the competitive advantages of DevOps and why it is important.
Bottom up org change and evolution
Sebastian Duque explains how Intercom has been successful at empowering engineers to drive organizational change.
Calling out a terrible on call system
Molly Struve knew the system had to change if we wanted to continue growing and not lose our developer talent, but the question was how?