Setting the right strategic goals for your engineering org
Learn how to communicate key objectives both up and down.
DevOps for Dummies: Emily Freeman in conversation
Understand the competitive advantages of DevOps and why it is important.
Bottom up org change and evolution
Sebastian Duque explains how Intercom has been successful at empowering engineers to drive organizational change.
Calling out a terrible on call system
Molly Struve knew the system had to change if we wanted to continue growing and not lose our developer talent, but the question was how?
Simplify your postmortems and focus on scaling
Ricardo Aravena gives us a better understanding of how to run effective postmortems consistently to mature DevOps in the organization.
The clean code protocol
Usha Kuchibhotla focuses on providing simple and easy steps to aid in adopting clean code practices during a fast-paced development environment without affecting velocity of the team.
Rubrics cubed: Attempting to quantify the qualitative in the interview process
Shawna Martell and Dan Fike discussed how they created their rubrics and introduced them to their organization, and what they discovered about how the process has affected their hiring outcomes.
Harassers are nice to me
Sarah Milstein looks at techniques for surfacing and addressing bad behaviour in the workplace.
Blame, shame and panic – how not to respond when things go wrong
Jemma Bolland explores her own reactions to being in the chain of responsibility, protecting the team and helping them to feel safe enough to take responsibility and grow from these experiences.
Death and life of great software teams
Vaidehi Joshi looks at how we can apply Jane Jacobs principles of a vibrant city to a vibrant codebase.